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Orphan Outreach 2023

In December 2022, LYFT Africa launched her ‘Orphan Outreach 2023’ program. This program came through the inspiration of Mrs. Mariam Dukuly who is currently serves as Student Coordinator. The aim of the program was to provide orphans with basic needs such as food, clothing sand sanitary pads. The program was implemented on January 6 and 7, 2023 at the Faith Orphanage in Owensgrove, Grand Bassa County. Donation from friends and family, a carwash and sales of stickers were three major activities that enabled the organization to raise funds to have the program successfully implemented. A total of sixty nine thousand three hundred Liberian dollars (Ld $69, 300.00) and three hundred ten United States dollars ( USd $310.00) was generated. Funds generated were expended on seven (7) bags of 25kg rice, one (1) bale of clothes, two (2) dozens of sanitary pads, one (1) ream of sheet, two-ways transportation for volunteers and goods, printing of 100 program sheets, transportation to purchase goods,...

Anti-Drugs Awareness and Counselling Program

The proliferation of the consumption of illicit drugs and narcotic substances amongst Liberia, especially youth has become a threat to sustainable development. Considering this, LYFT Africa initiated a two-day Anti-Drugs Awareness and Counselling program that benefitted at least 47 at-risk youth (6 females and 41 males) in the Neezoe Community, Paynesville, Liberia, a figure that was captured from the participants’ attendance sheet. Two separate events were held on the 10th and 17th of December at the SWEEP Solid Foundation Field in Neezoe to commemorate the entire program. Miatta L. Kamara, an experienced Drugs Counsellor and Abu S. Kaba, a volunteer of LYFT Africa and certified counsellor, facilitated the events. Their presentations were focused on the following common illicit drugs/substances and their negative effects users’ health and wellbeing, behavioral problems of drugs/substance abusers, and reasons and things to do to quit drugs, Additionally, 12 certified psycho-educators a...

LYFT Africa-Project Change Int'l. Career Development Program

Having been awarded LD $30,000.00 as second place winner of Project Change International 2022 National Vision Plan Competition; LYFT Africa allotted the prize to the implementation of three (3) Major Career Day Development Programs: one in Montserrado and two (2) in Margibi County. The project was implemented in three phases with the goal of influencing at least 100 senior secondary students with decision-making skills to make informed career choices when enrolling in post-secondary institutions. The events were held on July 21, September 30, and November 24, 2022 respectively. Mr. Anthony Ntem, an emerging Liberian author and publisher of the book “Every Student’s Compass”, facilitated the three phases of the project. A total of 155 senior secondary students and 33 Career Coaches participated in the event. At least 13 schools from Margibi and Montserrado counties directly benefitted from the program. During the three phases of the event, its Program Officer Mrs. Florence...

LYFT Africa International Youth Day Symposium

On Friday, August 12, 2022, at least 57 young leaders from five counties in Liberia gathered at American Corner-Kakata in Margibi to commemorate the International Youth Day Symposium. The Symposium is an event organized by Leading Youths to Foster Transformation in Africa (LYFT Africa) in commemoration of International Youth Day which was tagged “Intergenerational Solidarity: Creating a World for All Ages”.   The day-long Symposium held in partnership with the Ministry of Youths and Sports in Liberia brought together participants from five of Liberia’s 15 counties including Montserrado, Margibi, Nimba, Grand Bassa, and Bong.  During the event, Pep Talks were delivered by vibrant young people from Liberia and Albania.  Mr. Charles G. Kpan Jr, Managing Director of CYGEC IT Solutions in Liberia delivered a 20-minute pep talk on the topic: “ Available Funding Opportunities for Entrepreneurs . Also in attendance was Mrs. Florence Kamara-Tokpah, Program Officer at Project Cha...