The lack of quality education, career development, and extra-curriculum educational programs is a major contributing factor to the underdevelopment of youths in Liberia. The lives of many of them have been directly affected by the lack of educational and career development activities which leads to high illiteracy rate, unemployment, and lack of innovation. This has negatively affected the behaviors, attitudes, and values of many Liberian youths.

Peer pressure also remains a major influencing factor that positively and negatively shapes the destiny of young people in Liberia. Many Liberian youths have lost focus of their future and have adopted the concept of being totally dependent on their governments; a concept they have adopted from their forefathers. Most of them carry the perception that the only means of survival is to ascend to public offices and through corruption; hence, they have lost the ability to become critical thinkers, generative and creative to invent new ideas to solve societal problems. The promotion of relevant programs that will drive skills development and capacity building for young Liberians to develop into entrepreneurs, inventors and discoverers are passively supported.

The continent is considered to be the least developed continent in the World. Of the world's 47 Least Developed Countries, 34 (72%) are from Africa (UN Committee for Development Policy, June, 2017 statistics). More than half of the 57 million out-of-school children live in sub-Saharan Africa (UNDP, 2015).   

LYFT Africa is a non-governmental and non-profit institution established on January 26, 2018 to help achieve the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals and buttress the Liberian Governments' efforts to create better leaders for the continent through academic, social, moral, empowerment, and recreational programs; to raise critical young thinkers, generative and creative to invent new ideas to solve societal problems, and transform Liberia from a an underdeveloped nation to a developed nation.  

1.    To sensitize Liberian youths and make them take actions against issues that negatively affect them;
2. To protect and promote the rights of young people in Liberia and ensure their development and advancement;
3.  To develop the minds, souls, bodies and spirits of Liberian youths, help them find a career path, and nurture them to become potential leaders;
4. To stimulate a sense of responsibility among students and empower youths with relevant career skills and raise an innovative, energetic, and proactive young generation that will lead and transform Liberia to a developed Nation;

5.     To provide financial support to out of school and underprivileged youths to get back in school or attend other educational programs.

1.  Mobilize youths for awareness campaigns and advocacy programs in schools and communities across Liberia;
2.   To ensure the implementation of helpful policies and design appropriate Policies for young people in Liberia;
3.   To organize educational, sensitization, capacity building and recreational programs for Liberian Youths,  
4.      To organize School Clubs in secondary schools across Liberia;

5.      To organize financial aid and scholarship programs.


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