LYFT Africa-Project Change Int'l. Career Development Program

Having been awarded LD $30,000.00 as second place winner of Project Change International 2022 National Vision Plan Competition; LYFT Africa allotted the prize to the implementation of three (3) Major Career Day Development Programs: one in Montserrado and two (2) in Margibi County. The project was implemented in three phases with the goal of influencing at least 100 senior secondary students with decision-making skills to make informed career choices when enrolling in post-secondary institutions. The events were held on July 21, September 30, and November 24, 2022 respectively. Mr. Anthony Ntem, an emerging Liberian author and publisher of the book “Every Student’s Compass”, facilitated the three phases of the project. A total of 155 senior secondary students and 33 Career Coaches participated in the event. At least 13 schools from Margibi and Montserrado counties directly benefitted from the program. During the three phases of the event, its Program Officer Mrs. Florence M.K. Tokpah, ably represented Project Change International Inc.


• Getting our team of volunteers to Kakata on time was a risk and this was mitigated by sending the team ahead to sleep over a day prior to the event. 

 • Getting Career Coaches from Monrovia to Kakata was a risk that was mitigated by selecting career coaches who already live in Kakata 

 • Relying on the power from Liberia Electricity Corporation (LEC) was a risk which was mitigate by using a stand-by generator

 • Getting schools from Harbel to consent to have the program hosted at their institutions was a risk. Therefore, as the situation was for the third phase of the event, we solved the challenge by using a stand-by school from Paynesville, Montserrado County. 


One hundred fifty-five (155) senior secondary students were able to gain insight on how to identify and develop the right careers. Approximately 33 Career Coaches facilitated the event. The resources for the event was a book titled “Every Student’s Compass” authored by Liberian writer and educator Anthony Ntem. The total number of participants (students and administrators) who attended the event, and the testimonies of participants at the end of the event gauged the impact of the event. KEY LESSONS LEARNED • To involve the participation of invited students in the Career Development event; • To involve school administrators in the planning of the event by giving them tasks such as being career coaches and preparing participants.


• Mr. Anthony Ntem
• Mrs. Florence M.K. Tokpah
• Mr. Samuel Tarr
• Mr. Roger B. Wilson
• Mr. Foeday Zinnah
• Ms. Linda T. Kai
• Ms. Esther Minee Subue
 • Mr. Sunnie Antonio Marcar Jr.
• Mr. Morris A. Kamara
• Ms. Comfort M. Bainda
• Mrs. Lorpu Q. Daikur
 • Mr. Jacob Kanty Doe
• Ms. Esther M. Sube
• Mr. Peter S. Dewellie
 • Mr. Daniel Toee
• Ms. Daisy M. Fahnbulleh  


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