How LYFT Africa is collaborating to fighting substance and drug abuse in Liberia

Monrovia - May 1, 2022 Substance and drug abuse in Liberia is a major contributing factor to the destruction of many children, young men and women. Eventually, this is leading to an increase in criminal activities because these youth who are mostly unemployed, are engaged in criminal activities to support their hobbies. The trigger down effect is on the guilt-free population that suffers the most from varying unlawful acts exhibited by substance abusers including the smashing of personal belongings, scams, theft, etc. According to the Liberian Drugs Enforcement Agency (LDEA), there are approximately 355 ghettos in Montserrado County alone. Of the 355, 88 new ghettos were added in 2022. It is recorded that 60% of the ghettos are permanent and 40% are make-shifts. From observation, there is an increase in the number of ghettos during the dry season because most drug-addicted people use wetlands to establish temporary ghettos. In the midst of these circumstances, using youth as a too...