
Showing posts from 2020


It is obvious that COVID-19 have had a trigger-down effect on the activities of not only LYFT Africa but the entire world.  As we stay safe by following preventive measures instituted by the World Health Organization, the Ministry of Health-Liberia and her partners, it is our hope that this will soon be over.  We are calling on every young person in and out of Liberia to follow preventive measures and stay safe. To date, Liberia has recorded 6 cases in two counties - Montserrado and Margibi. However, there have been no deaths and several others are being quarantined.  Kindly view the graphic below to prevent the contraction or spread of the corona virus:

LYFT Africa 2nd Anniversary and Fund Raising Event

As the curtains of 2019 closes, we sit at our counting table and retrospect on our programs held during the year 2019. Among them was the most influential career day development program for senior secondary students in Kakata City, Margibi County, Liberia.  In observance of the history and founding of LYFT Africa, the organization will celebrate her second anniversary and fund raising event on February 28, 2020 under the theme: “Taking initiative to Transform Liberia through Youth Development and Capacity Building.” The event will begin at 10:00am with with an indoor program to be held at American Corner-Kakata, BWI campus in Kakata City, Margibi County, Liberia. Delivering the keynote address is Mr. Charles D. Gull, Managing Director of the Port of Buchanan in Liberia – one of Liberia’s youngest serving managers. Funds generated from this rally will go towards our school clubs activities and running programs for 2020/2021 operational year. At the event, few outstanding you...