Celebration of the International Youth Day Symposium

The International Youth Day Symposium 2018 (IYDS2018) was celebrated under the theme "Save Spaces for Youth"
The event brought together close to fifty (50) young leaders from different organizations across Liberia. Speakers gracing the occasion were the Honorable Minister of Youth & Sports, Mr. Dester Zeogar Wilson; the CEO of Continental Website Technology School System Mr. Richard D. Jah; and the president of the YALI Alumni Chapter Liberia, Miss. Sallay H. Gaye.
The all-day event climaxed with preparation and presentation of papers on the topic: "what is the best medium through which youths can contribute to National Development." Winning teams were presented cash prizes.

Sallay H. Gay, YALI Alumni-Liberia chapter served as one of the guest lecturers at IYDS 2018. She spoke to a cross-section of participants on the topic: "Identifying and developing the right career"

Hon. Dester Zeogar Wilson is the Minister of Youth & Sports in Liberia. He served as one of the guest lecturers at the IYDS 2018. He spoke to a cross-section of young people on the subject: "Youth Contributions towards National Activities" He signed the certificates of participants who successfully completed the symposium.

Mr. Richard D. Jah, Founder of the CEO of the Kakata Community Youth Leadership in Liberia. He spoke to participants on the subject: "Creating employment through entrepreneurship"

Pannel of Judges scrutanizing participants during their paper presentation.

IYDS2018 Participants worked in teams to prepare papers on the subject: "The best medium through which youths can contribute towards national development" Below is one of the teams presenting their papers.

Patricipants preparing their papers to present to a panel of judges. The topic for the paper presentation was "The best medium through which youths can contribute towards national development". Three winning teams were sorted out after all teams presented their papers. 

The team that won the third place receiving their awards.

The team that won the second place receiving their awards.

The team that won the First place receiving their awards.


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